Health and Wellbeing Board


14 September 2022


Report of the Director of Public Health


Review of York’s Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB)


1.        This report asks the Board to approve a review of the HWBB, reporting back to the HWBB in January 2023 with options and/or recommendations.


2.        The Council has appointed a Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board is responsible for encouraging providers of health and social care to work together and has certain statutory functions. The terms of reference for the Board set out how it operates and carries out these functions.

3.        At today’s meeting the Health and Wellbeing Board will be asked to approve the draft of a new joint local health and wellbeing strategy. This strategy contains new priorities and ambitions for the board and has a lifespan of 10 years.

4.        Additionally, the establishment of Integrated Care Systems; Integrated Care Boards and Place Based Boards have led to a change in both the national and local health and care landscape.

5.        In order that the Board can deliver its strategy; undertake its statutory functions and align and operate within the context of the new place-based arrangements a review of the HWBB is proposed. This will include:

                   i.          A review of the HWBB’s terms of reference; including membership and functions. This will ensure that we have the right people around the HWBB table to deliver the priorities in the new joint local health and wellbeing strategy. It will also align the HWBB with the new place-based arrangements and include any new functions that may be a requirement for HWBBs. It will also provide clarity on the discrete functions of the HWBB and the place-based board to avoid duplication.

                  ii.          A review of the current sub-structure that sits beneath the HWBB. This will be two-fold; firstly, to ensure that any sub-structure that sits beneath the HWBB is able to focus on the delivery of the new joint local health and wellbeing strategy and secondly to align with the work streams of the new place-based board, seeking to avoid duplication and promote collaboration.

                 iii.          To put forward options on the structure of future HWBB meetings to ensure that the Board is focused on the priorities and ambitions set out within its new joint local health and wellbeing strategy.


6.        HWBB members will be consulted as part of this review.



7.        There are no specific options within this report; the Board can either agree to or decline to undertake a review as set out above.

Council Plan and other strategic plans


8.        Maintaining an appropriate decision-making function and reviewing how the Board operates, contributes to the Council delivering its core priorities set out in the current Council Plan, effectively.  Updating the Board’s terms of reference ensures that partnership working is central to the Council working to improve the overall wellbeing of the city.

9.        The HWBB will also have a new joint local health and wellbeing strategy in place, and they will need to be assured that appropriate mechanisms are in place to deliver this.



10.    There are no known implications in relation to the following in terms of dealing with the specific matters before Board Members:

·        Financial

·        Human Resources (HR)

·        Equalities

·        Crime and Disorder

·        Property

·        Other





Legal Implications


11.    The Council is statutorily obliged to appoint a Health & Wellbeing Board and its terms of reference should be approved by the Council, given that the Board acts as a Committee of the Council.  Following any review of, or proposed alteration to, the terms of reference by the Board, it is therefore appropriate for any changes to be referred to Full Council for ratification.

 Risk Management


12.    In compliance with the Council’s risk management strategy, the only risk associated with the recommendations in this report is that the Council would fail in its statutory obligation if the terms of reference were not reviewed, updated, and confirmed.


13.    The Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to approve a review of the HWBB as set out above, reporting back in January 2023.

14.    Following on from this that any changes to the Board’s terms of reference be referred to Full Council for approval.

15.    For the Monitoring Officer to ensure that the Council’s Constitution is updated to incorporate any revisions to the terms of reference

Reason:     In order to ensure that the Health and Wellbeing Board continues to undertake its statutory functions appropriately and effectively.



Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Tracy Wallis

Health and Wellbeing Partnerships Co-Ordinator

Telephone: 01904 551714




Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health



Report Approved





Specialist Implications Officers

Not applicable



Wards Affected:  






For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers



